a woman wearing a black blouse and skirt smiles as she juggles five red balls in the air
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about options for transitioning from corporate employment to franchise ownership. To recap: while […]
women meeting at a table with documents between them
Last week, I explained that many of my clients want to understand the difference between being a franchise owner-operator and […]
two business owners wearing aprons and working behind a counter
Lately, a lot of my candidates have been asking about executive franchise ownership. That’s why I recently posted about what […]
the space shuttle launches in a cloud of steam and smoke
If you’re like many of our franchise candidates, you see franchising as a path to your long-term financial goals. It […]
smiling man stands with arms crossed with office meeting happening behind him
I posted previously about the difference between “absentee” (or “semi-absentee”) and “executive” franchise ownership. It’s all about mindset. Think of […]
beach with words "out of office" written in the sand
In the franchise world, many people using the terms executive franchise ownership and absentee (or semi-absentee) franchise ownership interchangeably. I […]
an older businesswoman explains something on a laptop to a younger businesswoman
Compared to traditional entrepreneurship, franchise ownership has a big advantage: the franchise owner network. I see the network as a […]
blue and yellow circles partially overlapping
Deciding you want to be your own boss is one thing. Deciding how to go about it is another. Some […]
hands grouped around multicolored game pieces
Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, franchising offers two types of ownership options: hands-on or executive ownership. Hands-on ownership means working in the […]
crowd of workers wearing masks walks down a sidewalk
Mass-casualty events often upend workplace norms. Historians have found that events such as pandemics and wars have tended to cause […]