
For many people, franchising is an opportunity to improve their work-life balance. As a self-employed franchisee, you have more control over your own schedule. You can even work alongside your spouse or children, or run your business as a semi-retired executive owner. At the same time, launching a franchise is hard work. You should expect to put in long hours at first, as you get the business off the ground, learn the ropes, and establish profitability. But that doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself (or your relationships) in the process. There are a number of ways you can protect your work-life balance while still making a successful start as a franchisee.

Set Expectations

Before you launch your business, set clear expectations with those around you. If you’re married, your spouse should have been heavily involved in your journey to franchise ownership, so hopefully he or she already knows what to expect. But children, other family members and close friends, may not realize what’s coming.

Take the time to sit down with those people individually and explain what you’re doing. For children, it can be important to know ahead of time that Mom or Dad may have less time to spend with them for a little while, but that it’s because you’re working hard on something that is going to be good for the whole family. The older your children are, the more details they deserve to know. Do the same for other family members and close friends: explain that you’re about to launch a business and expect your work-life balance to be skewed for a while, but you care about your relationship with them and want to make sure it survives the transition.

Know Your Type

Introversion/extroversion is a core personality trait that determines how a person loses or gains energy. Introverts lose energy when they spend time with other people (even if they enjoy it), and they gain energy by spending time alone. Extroverts lose energy when they spend a lot of time alone (even if they enjoy some solitary pursuits), and they gain energy by spending time with people. These traits exist on a continuum, so don’t be surprised if you realize that you’re somewhere in the middle. Knowing your type is crucial for maintaining work-life balance, especially if you have limited time for decompressing. You need to know what kinds of restorative activities to prioritize for maximum impact.

Set Your Priorities

As you launch your business, I recommend prioritizing two things: your health and your family. No amount of franchise success is worth sacrificing those. Diet, exercise, and sleep are the holy trinity of physical health. Mental health is more subjective, but you likely have one or two activities that are most effective at helping you cope with stress. Ask yourself, “What makes me feel like I can take on the world?” or “What gives me comfort when I feel down?” Maybe it’s a heart-to-heart talk with a good friend, taking a walk in nature, or game night with the family. Whatever it is, that’s what you’ll want to prioritize to keep some balance in your life during this challenging time.

If you’re married or have children, sit down with your spouse and/or each child individually and ask, “What’s one thing I can do to make sure you feel loved during this busy time?” If you usually spend a lot of time with close friends or other family members, consider asking them the same question. A system like the Five Love Languages can also help with this process. Make a note of their answers–you’ll need them for the next step of the process.

Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Failing to plan means planning to fail.” It’s most commonly heard in business, but it also applies to work-life balance. Now that you know what restorative activities are most important for you and your family, put them on your calendar. Don’t assume you’ll remember to do them, or that things will just work out. When you’re launching a business, something will always come up. There will always be an excuse to stay at work a bit longer, or to open your computer after hours. But if you block out time on your calendar, you’ll be more likely to keep those commitments.

Keep in mind that you may need to think creatively. If your kids or spouse want to have regular meals together, but family dinners are difficult to arrange, plan on breakfast instead. Too busy to squeeze in a workout at the gym? Schedule 10-minute breaks throughout the day and walk around your parking lot. If you don’t have time to cook healthy dinners during the week, consider prepping your meals on the weekend instead.

Plan Your Reward

Even with scheduled “me time” or family time, your work-life balance isn’t going to be perfect during the launch stage. So remember that balance is also a long-term process: if you go through a season of being extra-busy, you can regain equilibrium by enjoying a season of relaxation. As you launch your franchise, keep yourself on track, balance-wise, by planning a reward for reaching profitability or being able to pay yourself a salary. If you have a family, ask for their input. They deserve a reward for supporting you through this process. You might plan a vacation, a special purchase like bikes for the whole family, or a series of special dinners at your favorite restaurants. Then follow through–for your business, yourself, and your loved ones.

Maintaining work-life balance is just a small part of being a successful franchise owner. Schedule a free, 15-minute call with me to learn how I can help you fully empower yourself and your family.


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